BESarawak Concludes 2021 with RM365mil in Total Economic Impact

Sarawak managed to secure a total of 109 business events with an estimated RM365 million in total economic impact, with RM21.4 million of it being tax revenue and 28,289 new job opportunities from 2020 to 2021.
In Business Events Sarawak’s (BESarawak) latest performance report, at least 43,471 delegates over the span of 160,142 delegate days worth RM193.7 million in direct delegate expenditure have been secured. In terms of physical-to-virtual conversions, 34 events worth RM 105.5 million in total economic impact have been converted, forfeiting the arrival of over 12,000 delegates, RM57.3 million in direct delegate expenditure and 8,370 new job openings.
Despite several events being converted to virtual, these figures are an achievement for Sarawak, thanks to various initiatives implemented such as keeping Sarawak visible in local and international scene, providing education for the local industry, collaborating with stakeholders of varying levels and offering attractive incentivised packages for business events planners.
In March 2021, BESarawak launched its incentivised packages to support recovery efforts and provide valuable financial support, which are integral to the sector’s rehabilitation. “Beyond incentives, our team will continue to provide pre and post event support to ensure the best possible client experience that reflects Sarawak’s hospitality,” asserted BESarawak’s CEO, Amelia Roziman.
“Business Events are playing an increasingly important role in developing Sarawak as an economically prosperous, socially inclusive, and environmentally sustainable destination by 2030,” commented Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts and Minister of Youth, Sports & Entrepreneur Development.
With Sarawak’s recent entry into Phase 4 of Malaysia’s National Recovery Plan, BESarawak will continue to prioritise the state’s development to ensure a better outlook and positive restart for the business sector throughout 2022.